Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Evaluating Websites

While technology is very helpful and makes our lives much easier there are some negative attributes to technology. There are websites that are not always reliable. I know that most people talk about wikipedia and how information can be easily changed. But I recently learned, thanks to Becky, that there is a four second filter. The information that is incorrect is taken off. But there are other websites that can be deceiving. For example there is a website with the subject of the KKK, while the website looks reliable it was completely inaccurate and derogatory.

My husband owns over 100 domain names. I am pretty sure that he can put whatever he wants on these web pages whether his information is accurate or not, as long as there is no slander.

I feel my students believe whatever they see in front of them. They do not take the time to validate a website. They are ussed to instant gratification. Why would they want to take the time to find an other or reason for website. They are just used to having the information at their fingertips (literally). They would laugh at us if we told them to go the town library. While I think websites are very helpful, teachers and students need to check the validity before they deem the website accurate.

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